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Advanced Calcium Technology for Optimised Plant Nutrition

Flower-Cal represents the latest advancements in calcium delivery systems for plants. Utilising a cutting-edge formulation, essential plant nutrients are complexed with an organic sugar alcohol, creating a highly efficient foliar fertiliser. The small molecular size, coupled with an advanced delivery system incorporating humectants, spreaders, and penetrants, ensures that these complexed nutrients are effectively translocated within the plant.

Features of Power-Cal Flower

  • Enhanced Calcium Uptake: Elevates tissue calcium levels, contributing to improved disease resistance and increased drought tolerance.
  • Structural Integrity: Strengthens cell walls, there by improving overall plant structural integrity and resilience.
  • Growth Promotion: Supports both early vegetative growth and the development of reproductive structures.
  • Fruit Quality: Optimises fruit quality by enhancing weight, firmness, and overall marketability.
  • Advanced Nutrient Delivery: Incorporates leaf penetrants and translocation enhancers to maximize the efficiency of nutrient absorption and movement within the plant.
  • Complete Nutrient Availability: Provides 100% plant-available nutrients through a sophisticated delivery system, ensuring compatibility with plant physiological processes.

Flower-Cal is further augmented with a synergistic blend of trace elements specifically tailored to support flowering and reproductive development. This blend includes manganese, boron, zinc, molybdenum, iron, and copper, delivered through a combination of heptonate sequestrants, sugar alcohol chelates, amino acid chelates, advanced fulvic acid extracts, and saponins. These components are designed to integrate seamlessly with the plant’s biological systems.

  • Manganese: Integral to the photosynthetic process and enzyme activation.
  • Boron: Critical for cell division, pollination, and flower development.
  • Zinc: Essential for the synthesis of growth hormones and the conversion of carbohydrates.
  • Molybdenum: Necessary for the reduction of nitrate to ammonium, a crucial step in nitrogen metabolism.
  • Iron: A key component of enzymes involved in chlorophyll synthesis and overall plant metabolism.
  • Cobalt: Supports nitrogen fixation, acts as an enzyme cofactor, and modulates ethylene production.

Application Rates

Foliar & Watered-in
10 litres per hectare or as advised

Dilution Rate

1:20 or as advised

Typical Analysis

Store in a cool place away from sunlight. Stir well before use.