Protex Blue

Protex Blue

SKU: N/A Category:

A premium class-leading multi-chelate trace mineral blend that contains Boron, Copper and Molybdenum. Utilising the combined strengths of multiple natural chelation methods to create an extremely efficient liquid trace element delivery for optimum nutrient uptake and translocation.

Protex Blue uses a complex combination of heptonate sequestrants, sugar alcohol chelates and advanced fulvic acid extracts to deliver more of the applied trace element to the plant in a form that is perfectly compatible to the plant’s biological processes.

Protex Blue is formulated to match the deficiency results from extensive and comprehensive sap testing across many broadacre cropping areas in eastern and western Australia.

Application Rates

500ml – 3L/Ha

Dilution Rate
1:20 or as advised

Typical Analysis

Major Elements w/v%
Boron 2.5%
Copper 2.2%
Molybdenum 0.4%